VMP 275: How To Take Veterinary Content Creation To The Next Level With Harrison King

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Brandon Breshears
May 23, 2024
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I've got some fresh, hot-off-the-press content for you today. First off, I've got to say sorry for the unexpected break—caught a bit of a bug, but I'm back and better than ever, ready to roll out weekly episodes just for you. And hey, your thoughts mean the world to me, so don't hold back on that feedback, especially for our in-between episodes!

Now, let's get into the good stuff. I had this amazing chat with Harrison King, the marketing whiz who's been shaking things up over at All Star Veterinary Clinic. This guy's story is like a rollercoaster—he went from dreaming about video game design to diving headfirst into video editing and social media, and boy, did he make a splash. He crafted this killer business plan that rocketed his folks' vet clinic into the limelight of the digital world.

We talked about how he navigated the social media maze, shifting gears from Facebook to Instagram, and then hitting it big with TikTok. His focus on content that educates and inspires led to a client boom at the clinic. Sure, they hit a few snags with ownership changes and sponsorship hiccups, but Harrison's a firm believer in the power of strategic partnerships, even for the little guys. And when I poked around about ROI, he admitted it's tough to pin down the direct effects, but consistency is your best friend when it comes to content and making those social media ads pop. Plus, with folks leaning towards more personal, phone-friendly content, it's time to rethink our approach to production and quality.

Wrapping things up, Harrison gave us a peek into the future of social media marketing, talking about TikTok's shopping features and how targeted advertising is shaping up. He's all about planning with purpose and creating content that hits hard. And let's not forget the art of the hook and storytelling—because let's face it, those flashy edits just aren't cutting it anymore.

So, that's a wrap on another episode. I'm Brandon Breshears, and I can't wait to share more game-changing conversations with you on the Veterinary Marketing Podcast. Keep pushing the boundaries, keep growing, and let's make a real impact together. Catch you on the next one!

Episode Transcript

Brandon (00:00:00) - Welcome to the Veterinary Marketing Podcast, where it's all about how to attract, engage and retain clients to your veterinary practice using digital marketing. My name is Brandon Breshears. I hope you're doing amazing! Apologize for the delay between episodes, but I was sick and lost my voice so I wasn't able to record these intros. So thanks for your patience. And by the way, we're going to be doing weekly episodes again here. And be sure to leave me a comment. Let me know if you like the in-between episodes. I've got some feedback from people that they like them. I've just been so busy that I haven't been putting them out, but I'm going to be bringing them back most likely. So let me know if you like those in the comments. and if they're helpful for you or not. Because if you like them, I'll be sure to bring them back. In today's episode, we have another amazing guest. it is Harrison King from KingMediaMarketing.com he's the co-founder of that. And if you've never heard of Harrison, you've probably seen some of the content that he's made.

Brandon (00:00:54) - He is, partnered with Doctor Emily King. That's his mom, who is the founder and owner of All Star Veterinary Clinic. And Harrison and Doctor King teamed up together to create some really incredible marketing. The stuff that they do on specifically Instagram is some of the best out there in my opinion, so they have a really amazing mix of content when it comes to content types. very heavily focused on video, but they're just doing, I think, some of the best video marketing in the veterinary industry. So, I've mentioned them a few times in the podcast beforehand that I was a fan. And so I reached out to Harrison and he was totally up for being on the podcast. and in this episode, he talks about all the insights that he's learned in helping to get all star vet, and specifically go check out their Instagram, their TikTok, and you'll see what I'm talking about. But the content that they produce is amazing. And I wanted to deep dive into content creation. and I think that Harrison's probably one of the best people to talk to you in the industry about that.

Brandon (00:02:02) - So if you're thinking about creating content for your veterinary practice, this episode is going to be very beneficial. If you want to create content at the next level. This is going to be a really, really helpful episode. So before the today's episode, we have two sponsors for the podcast. Are you looking to get better SEO ranking for your practice? Probably everyone I know that runs a veterinary hospital would be benefited from having better local SEO, and that's why I want to give you some free tools from one of today's sponsor. It is WhiteSpark. If you go to Veterinary Marketing podcast.com/seo, that's veterinary marketing podcast.com/seo. You can sign up to get a free account to give you some amazing SEO tools. WhiteSpark gives you everything that you need for better local SEO. If you haven't heard the episode I did with Darren Shaw, be sure to go back and look at it. He is the founder and owner of this company. It is fantastic. They have Google business profile management, local rank tracking, local citation finder, reputation builder.

Brandon (00:03:09) - They even have professional SEO services if that's something that you're looking for. So go to Veterinary Marketing podcast.com/seo to check out WhiteSpark and the free tools that they have available for you. You won't be disappointed. They're really cool. let me know what you think too. If you need help with any of that, please don't hesitate to reach out. But again, veterinary marketing podcast.com/seo. Have you ever said yourself, I wish I knew where these clients were coming from? If you've ever been wondering, you know what is actually driving conversions in your practice, then I have something that I think will be great for you and that is called CallRail. CallRail is a fantastic tool that allows you to measure and see where your conversions are coming from, and which of the calls and call sources are driving clients into your practice. Caldwell makes it really simple to not only see where your calls are coming from, but the AI tools that they have that track and record the conversation so that you can assign outcomes to the calls is amazing.

Brandon (00:04:14) - I highly suggest all of the clients that I have used callrail, and if you've ever wondered where my clients coming from, you can try calling out for two weeks for free. If you go to Veterinary Marketing podcast.com/callrail, you'll be able to try call Real for yourself and finally know where your clients are. Well, thank you so much for being on the podcast, Harrison, I appreciate it. It's great to meet you here. So thank you for being generous and coming on the podcast today.

Harrison (00:04:42) - Yeah, thank you for having me. I'm super excited to chat with you about everything marketing.

Brandon (00:04:46) - Yeah, absolutely. Let's get into it. So tell us a little bit about your background, and how you got started in marketing. And I think we'll talk a lot about probably, Doctor King and how you helped her. Got get started with the podcast and. Yeah. And all the things you do for her too.

Harrison (00:05:04) - Oh, boy. All right, where do I start? so in college, I went to, I went to college to get a video game design degree.

Harrison (00:05:13) - and I was actually going to be a level designer. I was a little too late into college to realize I didn't want to do that, and, I, you know, I remember thinking back senior year, like, what can I possibly change to, like, it's too late. Like, what can I do? And I thought back to, you know, my hobbies. And I have always been into video editing and I have always been into cameras. And I decided to take a go at that. And I got an internship, at a production company called 90 Degrees West in Saint Louis. and I interned there for a few months, and I'm very, very grateful to the owner of that company, Scott Conger, who who, you know, helped me find my way and just helped me figure out what I wanted to do with my career. And so I basically took that experience, and I kind of paired it with social media, because I've always been very social media savvy. I've always been a techie, like, I've always been up to date on everything, social media trends, just by happenstance.

Harrison (00:06:11) - And I came to the idea that, you know what, if I paired my video experience with my social media experience at the time and I didn't have a job after college? And so I was thinking of what to do next, and my parents were actually looking into more marketing efforts for their clinic. Allstar veterinary clinic. Yeah. And I went to them and I basically proposed, I think it was like a ten page business plan. and I was like, hey, this is what I think we can accomplish with the clinic. I know you're wanting to move away from your marketing company. I know this is a risk. I know that you don't know, like how well this is going to work, hiring your son, like, I don't know, you know, so, like, should we do this? If we do this, like, I am going to do it right? And they're like, okay, so they hired me and here we are, five and a half years later. So so it has been it's been crazy.

Harrison (00:07:02) - Honestly, I never I never would have thought that we would be in the position where we are now. It's like with the clinic, with my with my mom's stuff. Doctor King, with her stuff. And it's just been it's been a wild ride and I'm ready for for more. So it's it's great stuff.

Brandon (00:07:18) - That's amazing. So, with the strategy that you developed, for your mom's practice and things, I noticed that you have a big emphasis on, on Instagram. did you initially plan just to work on Instagram first or what was your kind of strategy going into it? I mean, five years ago is I mean, the world is completely different in five years. Yeah.

Harrison (00:07:41) - That's pretty that's pre-COVID. It feels like ten years ago.

Brandon (00:07:44) - It feels like last century for sure. Yeah. Like the whole world changed for sure. definitely. But was it your plan to go Instagram and Facebook first or what? How did you approach it when you were thinking about that?

Harrison (00:07:56) - No. Yeah, a great question.

Harrison (00:07:57) - So with Facebook, they had already had a pretty decent Facebook following. and I, when I came in, I was actually doing a lot of Google ads and Facebook ads as well. So we were growing our following on top of that. on Instagram and TikTok, Instagram and TikTok are interesting because when I started, we had around like 6 to 8000 followers. and I was kind of just I was kind of going along with what the previous person was doing, which was what the the practice manager was running the Instagram page. And then I think once I started the TikTok page, I kind of had a revelation because I remember a lot of the employees, at the clinic were saying, like, Harrison, you got to start on TikTok, like you got to do it, you got to do it. And I remember, you know, this was back when TikTok was really like a dancing app, like it was back when it was back when.

Brandon (00:08:49) - 13 year old dancing app. It was like, if there's two younger kids, it's weird, don't you? Yes, exactly.

Brandon (00:08:54) - And it was don't be a creep on TikTok. Exactly.

Harrison (00:08:57) - It was it was right when it transferred from transition from musically to TikTok, and I just didn't see the value in it. And I was very, very naive in doing that. And so I remember I was uploading all of this, like stuff just to trying to see, like what's stuck on TikTok and Instagram, obviously. And honestly. And on TikTok, we uploaded this one video and it was a how to video for, veterinarians and just the vet med industry in general. And it was how to administer insulin to a diabetic dog. And that video ended up getting like half a million views and like immediately just clicked in my head and I was like, oh my God. I was like, this is so much more on the dancing app. I was like, this is a search engine. Like people are going to search for how tos. People are going to search for all this educational content like inspirational content, motivational content, all this stuff.

Harrison (00:09:45) - And I think that's when it clicked. And where I realized, like, this is a huge opportunity. We need to jump on this now. And so I think in that year, I don't remember when that was. It was 2 or 3 years ago. I mean, we uploaded. Every single day from that day for a year and a half, I think. and we grew to the following that we have now on TikTok and on Instagram. So it was it was a crazy, you know, coincidence that happened. But it was I always say that social media involves a little bit of strategy and a lot of luck. So it was yeah, it was crazy.

Brandon (00:10:22) - That's that's very interesting. do you think that and along with that, a little bit of strategy and a lot of a lot of luck. do you think that if you just stick at it long enough with the strategy, you'll eventually get it? Or do you think, it is just you kind of got to have something hit lucky? Cuz I'm just curious when you thought there.

Harrison (00:10:41) - No. Yeah. Yeah, that's a great question. I think that for someone like me, I think it's kind of transitioned to half strategy, half luck, because I kind of know what the algorithm wants for veterinarians and other industries as well. I, I truly think that King Media has it down to a tee if you want to grow your veterinary following, like we just have it down like we do. but I think for the average person, I do think it involves a lot of luck because I don't think that they quite understand the, the strategies and the algorithms that go behind a lot of these social media platforms and no fault of their own. I mean, they're just uploading content, upload content. That's how it was back in the day. You didn't really have to worry about any of these strategies or or what the algorithm liked and didn't like, like viewing habits, all these other things, just uploaded content for the fun of it, fun of it. And if something's stuck, then you run.

Harrison (00:11:31) - You run with it. But I think that for the average person, and it does involve a lot of a lot of luck. Yeah. But I do think though, I but I do think though, if you do stick with it, then like if you're uploading every single day, I mean you're going to something's going to pop. I mean you're going to you're going to get something regardless. I mean the, the odds are in your favor.

Brandon (00:11:52) - I agree, I think the topic is good too. I had, do you know who Darryl leaves is?

Harrison (00:11:57) - I do not know.

Brandon (00:11:58) - he's. It was on the last episode. He's a YouTube coach, and he's like MrBeast, YouTube coach. And he's got all these, oh, that's awesome. Super awesome. But he was talking about YouTube. Obviously, that's what he knows. And I was trying to bring it in terms, you know, short form content and things. Sure. but he, he was saying that, that he thinks YouTube is a bigger opportunity than, like the media side of it.

Brandon (00:12:25) - And even then, the practice. Right, because he's got clients that are making, you know, hundreds of thousands of dollars a month in AdSense and stuff. And I'm always curious when I see these big veterinary channels and there's not very many, veterinary practices, has this side of the business become more of a business then, or is it still primarily just driving client growth and client acquisition? And how are you approaching it now? Because, I mean, you've got like, I think 280,000 followers on TikTok and 92,000 on Instagram. Like, that's a media company business in itself, right? Which is wild. Like sponsorships, brand deals. Yes. Rev share all kinds of things. So yeah. No. Big deal. Like that's a big channels for sure. has that become more of a business? Or are you still primarily trying to focus on on client acquisition and things?

Harrison (00:13:18) - I think it's a little bit of both. I think at the beginning when we were getting that following, I think that we were seeing a huge, growth of new clients, because, you know, people were discovering who we were, not, you know, locally, but also just around the country and around the world.

Harrison (00:13:33) - but I know for a fact, because I saw the client numbers, I would keep up with the client numbers every month. You know, back when we first exploded and we were getting new clients like it was, it was probably a 30 to 40% jump, in clients, which was great to see. eventually that petered out just because, I mean, you can only reach so many people through social media. and it teetered out at that high number where we exploded. But, in terms of the business side of sponsorships and all of that, I think with the clinic, it's difficult to get sponsorships or with the clinic account, I should say accounts. It's difficult to get sponsorships. because, it is a, a company in and of itself. And so, you know, if we were to be honest, we haven't taken or done anything with sponsorships, throughout this entire time, I think mainly because one, it is just a little, especially now that the clinic is not technically owned by my mom, Doctor King, anymore.

Harrison (00:14:30) - It's owned by Southern Veterinary Partners. I think it's a little bit more difficult to run these sponsorships up the chain. and I also think that, you know, if you are sponsored by this company, if you say you're sponsored by Hills, then, you know, Hills is representing everybody within the clinic and and then also southern veterinary partners as well. So I think it's just kind of muddies the water a little bit. But. I think with other clients though, other individual, you know, brands and other smaller companies. I mean, yes, I mean, it has been a huge upside to, you know, running these accounts and seeing them grow, like getting those sponsorships. I mean, it's just been it's amazing. Like once you finally reach that amount of growth where these people start reaching out to you and it's like, like, yes. Like we did it like we're, you know, we're going to keep going. But it's great to finally get those sponsorship emails and, and just see that growth.

Brandon (00:15:19) - That's really cool. And with respect to the the client volume and things in practice, are you are you consistently kind of always busy or how would you say the impact of this has been on on the practice and client base? I mean, you're reaching more than just your town, right? That's the question I get a lot of times is if we create content and it does well and it goes viral, it's not going to really help us because we have, you know, local. So and just for context too, I do paid ads for people. So I just do Google ads, right? So I'm very tactical. We're only targeting stuff that's going to drive people in the door. Right. But I, I see so much value in having a high level of production and like a content strategy. Right? All the things that you do, it's so valuable. But the question that I always get and I don't have the answer to because I'm just a paid ads guy, is that like, what is what is this actually do to drive clients in? And what would you say the ROI is on this? That's the question they always want even with, you know, and we'll talk about that a little bit more.

Brandon (00:16:21) - But what do you think about those things. Yeah.

Harrison (00:16:23) - No, that's a great question. And for and to be quite honest we struggled with that at the when I was still working at the clinic exclusively. We struggled with that for quite some time because they, you know, we they wanted to see the numbers. They wanted to see, okay, like if this if we get 100,000 views on this, what does that look like in terms of clients coming into the door? And I think, you know, it has still been a very it's still been difficult to kind of define those numbers. But I think that when you look at social media ads and you look at, you know, even Google ads, yeah, less so Google ads, but more so social media ads. I mean, you need to have the kind that you need to have the content on your social media platforms to even make those kinds of ads on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. I think that if somebody were to see an ad on social media, whether it's Instagram, Facebook or TikTok, and they go to your page and you're not doing anything, I don't think that that bodes well for the company in general.

Harrison (00:17:14) - I don't think that bodes well for sales either. but like I said earlier, I think that when we first exploded, I think that if we did not keep continuing the content, like, you know, every day or even every other day, I don't think that we would have seen the growth in clients. because I think that you continually you you can't just wait for one viral video to explode and or one video to explode and go viral and expect to get all of these clients. I just don't think that's how it works. And I know for a fact that's not how it works, and you just need to keep at it. And I think a lot of people. Think that it needs to be this whole, you know, production. You need to have this whole production to, you know, produce all this content. We're in a reality. A lot of these people are you can just use your phone. I mean, it's not a big deal to just use your phone. I think when I, when we started stuff at the clinic, I was like, okay, we're going to use like these high quality cameras and stuff because it's just going to set us apart even more because all of these people are using their phones.

Harrison (00:18:11) - But now viewing habits and viewers are starting to kind of go back to wanting more like, you know, phone content because it's just it's just more personal. You know, I think if they see a, I think they see a high quality video, they're like, oh, maybe that's going to be like a commercial or an ad. But I think when we first started, like I said, I think it was just something to differentiate us. but but yeah.

Brandon (00:18:34) - So so that was actually going to be one of the questions that I had next, which is a good segue into which is production and content quality. So especially within All Star, you have a pretty significant mix of content types on there. what does that production look like as far as making this content? Like, how does that look in practice and how much work is it?

Harrison (00:18:57) - Well, it's a lot of work.

Brandon (00:19:00) - looks like a lot of it.

Harrison (00:19:01) - Is a lot of work. Yes. I will say that since leaving the clinic and then kind of becoming a client of mine and not exclusively working for them, we have kind of dialed back a bit on the, like, heavy production side.

Harrison (00:19:15) - and we have kind of been doing more, like, phone content. and I've been kind of trying to, you know, see what that looks like and how well it does. but if you know, if when I was doing full on, you know, you know, high quality camera, you know, production videos, I mean, for example, the vet clinic, which is like our office spin off, those took a long time. We would have to I mean, most of the time we were staying after work. I would have, you know, people stay after work and and they would want to because, I mean, they love doing this kind of stuff and, and they would stay after work or they would do it over the lunch break and we would just crank it out an hour or two and, you know, that would be it, I think for the trending sounds and whatnot, the stuff that we do on, on, on my phone or any phone, really, I think that, you know, it takes, you know, we can film anywhere from like 10 to 15 in like an hour.

Harrison (00:20:09) - and that's just because it's just, you know, they're easier to do. but, yeah, I mean, when we were doing stuff with, you know, my, my, my Sony cameras, I mean, it would take it would take quite, quite some time. Like the Vet Clinic series only.

Brandon (00:20:25) - that makes a lot of sense. And when it comes to types of content, do you think, or when you work with clients, rather do you think that you should have like three, or is there a certain number of types of content, like, I see that you have stuff that is like consistently a type of content on the Ulster practice page, you know, like podcasts or longform and then like just talking to the camera videos or, kind of like skits and funny things and trends and stuff. So, you know, how do you approach that with practice? Yeah.

Harrison (00:20:58) - Great question. I think that I always tell clients you have to have either educational, inspirational or motivational content. and if you can do all three, that's great.

Harrison (00:21:07) - If not, then you just got to pick 1 or 2. I do think, though, that if you just stick with one, you're not going to grow as much as you might think. I think that if you just stick with educational content, I don't know if you will. I actually know for a fact you won't grow, to reach a wider audience. And honestly, that's kind of where the Vet Clinic series came into play, because I was like, I want to reach more people. Like, I want to reach more people than just the vet, med community or industry. And how do we do that? And I've always been a huge fan of The Office series. And I was like, well, how what if we did like, a vet med spinoff of The Office, and the office is known around the world? So I was like, why don't we just do something like that? And it, you know, spoke for itself. But I definitely think, though, if you can fit your content within those three pillars educational, inspirational or motivational, you are I mean, that's a great head start above.

Harrison (00:21:54) - Most people.

Brandon (00:21:55) - Like that. that's good. Like easy categories that you can file things under. what what mics do you try to go for? Because I know that veterinary practices try to go all educational. and it just ends up being boring. Right? You nobody wants to read a textbook. And that's kind of what people are making. so what what do you try to shoot for? Mix on obviously as many of those as possible per video, but you suggest starting with something or like adding inspirational to educational or how do you think that works?

Harrison (00:22:28) - Yeah, I think for the clinic, I think, and it's different for every client. But I think for the clinic, I would say it's probably 30. Well, I mean, it's probably 30% inspirational or, sorry, 30% educational. actually, I don't know. Let's see here. It's probably 40%, educational. It's probably 30%. inspirational. And then probably another 30%. That's just, like, funny, like skits and whatnot. and I, like I said, I mean, I think it's different for, for for every, every client.

Harrison (00:23:06) - I mean, you could have like 80% funny skits, 20% educational. I think it just depends on what you if, if you're just starting out what you think sticks. So like if a video, if a funny skit ends up doing super well, then it's like, okay, like this is what my audience wants to see. Let's keep doing that. And I think that's kind of that's a huge, huge, huge mistake that I see a lot of people make is that they will have this one video, you know, do well above the others. And doing well is different for everybody. But if it's a person with a thousand followers and they get a video with, you know, a 50,000 view video, then I'll see them do something completely different for the next five videos. It's like, no, no, no, no, no. It's like you need to do exactly what you did in this video for the next however long, and just see what happens, see what sticks. or just see what happens and see if that is truly what people want from your content.

Harrison (00:23:52) - yeah. I would say for the for the clinic, I would say that that is kind of the, the ratio in terms of, of what we try to provide in terms of content. And honestly, it's changed over over the years because I think we really Pride Media prides ourselves on trying to really stay up to date with, like viewing trends and viewing habits of of of these people that are watching these videos because it's constantly changing.

Brandon (00:24:16) - Yeah, definitely. So when you're creating content, are you creating for a single platform and then pushing to others or you're creating for each platform individually?

Harrison (00:24:25) - That's another great question. So ideally, in an ideal world, you would want to create content for, different plans. You want to create different kinds of content for different platforms. Every. And this is another mistake, I think that people make is that they think that somebody on somebody on Instagram, like some of your followers on Instagram or, the video that they watched, your TikTok followers are also going to watch.

Harrison (00:24:51) - That's not the case. Your TikTok audience is different from your Instagram audience is difficult. Premier Facebook audience. And so in an ideal world, you would create different kinds of content for those different platforms. And I think, you know, for those, I mean, creating different kinds of content for those platforms can be very, very, very difficult. especially if you have a client that is coming to you saying like, hey, we want to upload every day on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, especially if you're a one man band. I think that can be difficult.

Brandon (00:25:18) - And so definitely what.

Harrison (00:25:19) - I, what I usually, or at least as of right now, what I am doing is I am trying my best to create different kinds of content for different platforms, but sometimes I will just take a video that was really meant for TikTok and posted on Instagram and Facebook because I would rather post something over nothing. And and sometimes, honestly, it ends up working, other times it doesn't because of exactly, you know what I've said.

Harrison (00:25:43) - but I do think that if you can, I would try and create different kinds of content for different platforms, like using the clinic as an example. I think Facebook, our Facebook audience, really likes photos of pets and the team, they don't really care for videos unless, like, they're like kind of these like crazy wacky videos. Kind of like the office stuff, right? Sure. our TikTok audience is more so into like the, you know, the vet clinic videos they want. They're into those like, you know, really funny stuff. an Instagram audience is a little bit of both or a little bit of educational and, the funny side of stuff and honestly, TikTok and Instagram, they are almost 90% video content. while Facebook is honestly the other way around. So, it just depends on, you know, what you can what what what you, what your bandwidth in terms of creating that content. And I also am a huge advocate for mental health in this space. So please do not bog yourself down like if you are trying to upload every day like I would.

Harrison (00:26:46) - So much rather you keep your mental health, you know, in check and upload consistently 3 to 4 times a week, then just really try to, you know, upload every single day and and just break yourself down.

Brandon (00:26:58) - Yeah. People people burn out, that's for sure. Happening. Even the biggest YouTubers go and burn out. Absolutely. And they're making. Yeah, millions of dollars a month. you know, I mean, we've seen that just.

Harrison (00:27:09) - Recently with I don't know how much you keep up with the YouTube space, but with like, MatPat and like other people.

Brandon (00:27:15) - There was a month where all of the YouTubers quit. Yeah, exactly.

Harrison (00:27:19) - Yeah. People are like, what's going on?

Brandon (00:27:21) - Yeah, it was really weird. There was literally like a dozen high profile YouTubers that just said, I'm stepping away, which is interesting. Yeah, definitely. So, with with following up on that last question, do you think the platforms are used better for different stages of the funnel, or do you approach them from that mindset, or you just thinking about audience in that platform? and I'll give you an example.

Brandon (00:27:47) - I was talking to one of my clients who is younger and. She is really good at TikTok, and she said that TikTok is really good for top of funnel, and then Instagram feels like it's actually replacing, especially with younger generation. It's replacing your website where people will go and convert more on Instagram and then Facebook is just for the old people is, she said. That's exactly right. She's like, you know, like the 35 year old sounds like, oh, I'm 37. Oh, great. But, I thought that was an interesting take. Well, I don't she didn't frame it in that way, but that's what I took from it. Right. So the platforms are different funnel kind of stage use. So TikTok you still get well it looks like you get more reach on TikTok still. So it was probably better for top of funnel. Instagram's probably better for middle and bottom. And then Facebook is just kind of weird. But what do you think about that?

Harrison (00:28:40) - I mean, honestly, I completely agree with her.

Harrison (00:28:42) - I don't know if I can add much more to that, honestly. I mean, you you you you worded it perfectly. I think, that, you know, you're starting to the tick tock, tick tock is always there, always changing things up for the better or for worse. And, you know, TikTok shop has been a huge thing now on. Oh yeah. And you can just I mean that is that's exactly what, you know, she was talking about. you know, with all of that stuff and Instagram is, like you said, for the middle and bottom funnel. I mean, I, I think though on both of these platforms that you need to make it. You need to basically make that funnel, like as small as you possibly can. I see a lot of clients who, will. I mean, this is a good example, one of the, plumbing companies that I or one of the clients that I just got recently, they're a plumbing company or a plumbing sales company, and they were wanting to get more leads just through content and other other things in general.

Harrison (00:29:38) - And, you know, I was looking through their Instagram page and their TikTok page, and I just noticed that, like the funnel to get that sale was so, so long, like you would just go to they had their website link. But even if you go to the even if you click on that link like they don't, you don't know where to go. And so I think a lot of for, you know, I think a lot of people will not shorten that funnel. and so you need to really like, you know, even I would even recommend just like putting like the contact form in your link. So that way when they click that link, they are immediately taken to, That that lead and eventually that conversion. But I would agree with everything that everything that, that person said.

Brandon (00:30:20) - Though her company that she works with is called Spot on. And, my name is Ariel Potter, and they have. Have you heard of Spot On?

Harrison (00:30:29) - That does sound vaguely familiar.

Brandon (00:30:31) - They have, like, 20 something million likes.

Brandon (00:30:33) - Last time I checked on their TikTok and massive, Pretty interesting. She's really good at it. very cool. But, that's, I think very interesting that you say that. And I don't think most practices consider that, you're going to lose, like, most of the time, 80% of traffic every time you make them do another click. So if they go to the site, then they're going to bounce 80% of the time. So that's a really good tip. absolutely. So with with content and that being the case, right, when I work with clients as paid ads, it's different than social organic, stuff. Right. But I usually suggest we start at bottom of the funnel and then work our way up. is that what you suggest to with your clients, or how do you figure out where to start generally?

Harrison (00:31:19) - I mean, yeah, I would agree with that. Just starting with the bottom bottom funnel and moving up. I just think honestly it's it's the best way to go. So you know, you don't so you don't just like lose track along the way I think.

Harrison (00:31:31) - But I yeah, I would agree with you that starting with the bottom funnel is the way to go. Yeah.

Brandon (00:31:35) - Got it. So then when let's say you're working with the practice or veterinary practices like, hey Harrison, let's, let's work together and, and stuff. Would you suggest starting on one platform or would you go and try to hit everything all at once?

Harrison (00:31:50) - Well, honestly, I think it depends on what they're willing to take on. I think that if they come to me and they're like, you know, hey, we are so ready to do this like we are, you know, we're all in. We want to do all the platforms, like we'll dedicate whatever time you want, like, and I love those clients because they are like, they're just they understand the importance of social media and they get it and they want something from it. but I think though. I don't think it's a bad idea, though, to look at what you are trying to achieve with your goal of starting on social media and seeing, okay, what platforms would do best for my company.

Harrison (00:32:26) - Because like you said, I mean, I don't really know if for like, you know, depending on the company, I don't really know if Facebook is really, you know, where you should put that effort. I think that you maybe you should start with Instagram and TikTok, or maybe you start with all three. And if you start to see traction on the other two and not, you know, this one, then maybe you stop. But I think that there are certain platforms that will help your business get those leads. And, you know, you can make those conversions better over other platforms. I think especially when you start out, I think that instead of, you know, really putting all this effort into however many platforms you do, whether it's, you know, like LinkedIn, Facebook's, TikTok, Instagram, Pinterest, like really focus on what you think would work best for your company and put the effort towards those platforms.

Brandon (00:33:15) - Definitely. That's that's what I do for myself. I mostly post to LinkedIn.

Brandon (00:33:18) - I do LinkedIn first, and then I just post everywhere else because I don't have the time or right. I don't want to learn Instagram. I'm like, I don't want to do that. I'm just going to post better than nothing. But right. I don't have any expectations for it there. for sure. And, I also wanted to jump back into what you were saying about TikTok shop, and I think that that is a really big deal. I've seen I've bought so much stuff from there, actually. And this the process is fantastic. it's easy to buy stuff. It seems like they're really subsidizing that platform and making like good deals and stuff just to acquire customers and build purchase data like Instagram and Facebook used to be the best in ad targeting because they were tracking your purchases across everywhere on the internet. And then iOS 14 happened and they stopped that. And so, I think TikTok's push for native purchases is probably one of the most important things that they've done in terms of being able to target in a meaningful way with ads.

Brandon (00:34:19) - because I haven't seen too much success with ads there. do you, do you do ads on TikTok at all or. Not really.

Harrison (00:34:27) - no, not as of recently. We do more ads on Instagram and Facebook, to be honest with you. but no, we don't. I, I keep up with, you know, the ongoings of what's going on with TikTok ads and what's changing. And, but no, I have not had the opportunity yet to do, TikTok ads for, company. I think we're currently. I was supposed to do it. I was supposed to do something like with TikTok ads with a very, very large company within that mad. But you know how the process goes with companies like that. Like it just takes forever to get things approved. So we have not had any opportunities at all to do TikTok ads.

Brandon (00:35:09) - Definitely. I think it would work much better for direct to consumer products that are like scalable and not regional business in general for now. But I think that it's coming and it's going to be a big deal when it gets a little bit better.

Brandon (00:35:22) - For sure. They have native lead forms and all kinds of cool things there. one thing I wanted to talk to you about was just production level in general. So you mentioned phones. Would you suggest people? Well, I mean, let's let's talk about what people are doing right now, which is generally the like platform. No planning like make something versus what what you do, which is like planning and scheduling and batching and stuff like that. What would you think would be some of the things that people could do immediately to just get better quality and, actually be intentional about I think, I think because everybody posts things, it's like a skill that people think, oh, you know, I can do that because I can post and they don't realize how much goes into it. So like, for example, with with your all star, what is a typical week look like for production and how much planning goes into that?

Harrison (00:36:20) - Great question. so yeah, to answer, that question, I usually plan content for a maybe, maybe two hours, like, on, you, I would usually plan content on a Sunday.

Harrison (00:36:38) - and then that following week we'll schedule a day, to film content and it's usually an hour. if it's, if it's a, if it's in a regular amount of content, like a regularly large amount of content, then we'll schedule two hours, but usually it's just an hour. but that is and like I've said recently, we've been doing a lot of stuff on my phone. and that's a great way to answer. the other question that you had was like, in terms of production, like what should what should you do? You know, and I think that right now, I think honestly, you should use your phone. I think that right now, I don't think that people are really interested in the high quality, high budget kind of videos. I think that they are more so interested in these personalized, you know, video shot on your phone because I think as soon as somebody you just know in a video shot on a phone, and so as soon as it comes across your feed, you're like, oh, this was shot by a person.

Harrison (00:37:36) - And so it's like what's, you know, that's immediately clicks in somebody's head. So it's like, okay, then what is this video? So then they'll watch and you know how it goes. But I think that right now, in terms of viewing habits, people really want to make those connections with other people. I think that they really want to, you know, see the personalities of these people. I mean, when we were doing stuff with my mom, because she has her own account now, Doctor Emily King, and it took her a very long time to understand that people just want to see you as a person. I think it was interesting because when we first started, she was speaking to the camera how she thought people wanted to see her when in reality, when in reality, she really should just be speaking as she would to anybody else because that's what people want to see. And so I think it just is so easy to film content on your phone and achieve that goal. and then in reality or then in the end just, you know, gain success from all of, you know, those things.

Harrison (00:38:32) - And so I would recommend. If you. I would recommend just starting on your your your phone. I would say honestly that what goes in hand in hand with with with shooting on your phone is just like your content strategy and your what kind of content you want to bring to your eventual audience. So I would say, honestly, that's almost as important as, as, you know, choosing what you want to, what equipment you want to film on.

Brandon (00:39:02) - Really, you know, piggybacking off that, that conversation with, with Daryl that I had a lot more of what he does goes into the thought and planning of the video ideas in particular. There's just so much work into the idea, the hook, the headlines and the thumbnail. Right, because it's a different platform for sure. So when it comes to especially short form video, are you thinking about like trends? Are you thinking about topics? How are you going about that, that brainstorming to get something that you think will work?

Harrison (00:39:33) - Yeah. Great question.

Harrison (00:39:34) - I think going into what you just said, I think hooks are probably the most important part of any kind of content planning strategy, anything, any kind of informational video or educational video that I do with anybody. I always include a hook of some kind, and I think that those are just so, so, so important. I would say the other thing that people should be a pay attention, be paying attention to right now is the aspect of storytelling. I don't think, I think I think you I think people are. You know, really missing the mark on just the idea of storytelling. I think, Mr. Beast, if you look at all of his stuff and this is in short form, but this relates back to it. He's done a much better job recently of instead of being in your face and really starting off the video with like, hey, like, you know, he instead of really being in your face, you really slows it down and really tells the story to start with and then gets right into it.

Harrison (00:40:30) - I think that goes right back to what I was saying earlier, is that people's viewing habits are changing. They don't really want to. They don't really want to see all of these flashy edits or, you know, this like in-your-face stuff. Because honestly, I think people are tired. I think they're tired of their attention spans getting so short. I think they're tired of I think they're just I think they're just mentally they're subconsciously mentally tired. And so I think it's so refreshing when somebody sits down, has minimal edits, is telling a story with a good hook. I think it just it's so refreshing to the mind. And that's why I think that kind of content is just blowing up right now.

Brandon (00:41:04) - Sure. I agree with you. yeah. I'm thinking like, are you familiar with Sam Cilic, the bodybuilder guy? Yes, yes. So yes, most of the audience here probably doesn't know who he is because it's mostly female. Right. But there's there's a bodybuilder whose name is Sam Cilic, and he just uploads every single day and it's unedited.

Brandon (00:41:23) - He's just talking in his car. He talks slowly. There's no jump cuts, no fancy. It's just every day he's consistent and it's like you're hanging out with a buddy basically. And like I would argue and.

Harrison (00:41:34) - I and I would argue that that's honestly where people started to pay attention to that change because.

Brandon (00:41:39) - I think.

Harrison (00:41:40) - Yeah, I mean, he really unintentionally started that because I think even on short form, which is known for being kind of quick, he really just took his time and like, just like, you know, even if it was a minute long, like it felt just like he was like like I said earlier, he was just talking like he's just talking to like, if somebody was literally you would think that somebody was right there because he's literally just talking and it's just slowing everything down. It was such a it was such a refresher for it.

Brandon (00:42:04) - Is different social.

Harrison (00:42:05) - Media and all all of that in.

Brandon (00:42:07) - General. Yeah. You compare that to yeah. Mr. Beast video, where there's it's like short form that's compiled and it's like there's five storylines and it's amazing.

Brandon (00:42:16) - It's just the gravity of like, everything he does. definitely. But, that's, that's super interesting. And, Well, so a question about that. your mom, Doctor King, had started her own channel. Do you think now, especially having sold the practice to SVP? I didn't know that happened, but do you wish you would have done a personal brand instead of a practice brand? Or are you happy that you went with the practice brand?

Harrison (00:42:44) - That that's another great question. I think at the time the clinic brand was right. For the time, I think that it was it was it was what we should have done. because it was the goal for the clinic was to bring in more clients, to bring more awareness to the clinic, to, you know, make us, you know, make us, make us seen, in more people's eyes and I and we achieved that. and I think right now, you know, I think, I think it makes sense to do my mom's account now, because, she is kind of winding down at the clinic.

Harrison (00:43:25) - she's not doing all of her old responsibilities that she has been doing over the past 4 to 5 years. she'll see appointments from time to time. Yeah. I mean, and she'll fill in for doctors when they're on vacation. But she's not seeing appointments every day. She's not doing, you know, 5 to 8 surgeries a week. Like, that's just not what she's doing. She's more in sort of a mentor coaching role. And so I think that she has more time to dedicate, to something like this. Sure. I do think, though, right now, what I am finding trouble with is kind of juggling the images of both. So I think my mom has been and rightfully so and so attached to the clinic. Right. Sure. And people associate her with the clinic. I think right now what we are trying to achieve is kind of pulling her away from that and making her her own thing, because eventually she's going to leave the clinic like it's just a matter of the fact, right? It's it's it's time.

Harrison (00:44:16) - Like, you know, she's she's she's done her due diligence, like she's been in the industry for 20 plus years and been in the clinic for 20 plus years that, you know, she's ready to leave the clinic. She doesn't want to leave the industry, but she just she just wants to, you know, take a step back. And so, that's what I've had kind of trouble with, you know, recently is kind of separating both of those. But I think we are doing a good job right now of kind of establishing new personalities within the clinic that can kind of take over that brand. So if you look at a lot of our stuff recently, we've been putting a lot of content out with Doctor Ham and Doctor Duck Wall. because we have right now seven, eight veterinarians at All Star. And so there's so much to pick from in terms of who can be. I don't want to say the new face of the clinic, but because that's not really what it should be, but more so who can kind of take the lead on being in a lot of these videos? and so I think we've been doing a good job of kind of making that transition and kind of having my mom do her own thing and be successful with that.

Harrison (00:45:16) - While the clinic can still stand on its own two feet without her and and and still continue with, you know, these different kinds of series and these different kinds of videos.

Brandon (00:45:26) - That's that's really interesting. So, Do you think though? So if you were starting over again, would you have done it differently, or would you have done it the same way you did at.

Harrison (00:45:37) - Which one? The clinic or my mom stuff.

Brandon (00:45:39) - Would you have maybe focused? Well, I guess this is a good question, because I know there's a lot of veterinarians who who are considering doing a personal brand, and then they're considering running their practice brand. Right. And I think there's a lot of opportunities potentially. And I've seen this with, with tons of people or just all kinds of things. I mean, you could start a media company and a legit business as a personality veterinarian, so to speak. Right? Or you could run a practice and have a successful practice. Do you think you could successfully run a personal brand that lent itself to a practice, and then you're developing that personal brand as the primary, and then the practice gets the secondary benefit.

Brandon (00:46:18) - And that way when you leave, you could, you know, the world is your oyster type thing, like brand deals. Yeah. Books like speaking. Who knows what. what do you think about that you wish you would have done, like a Doctor King primary and then been pushing over towards All Star and have basically the same effect. Or you think it's always the right decision and obviously not always, but it's mostly the right decision to go for a a business brand.

Harrison (00:46:47) - Yeah. I don't know if I would have changed anything. Okay. I think that it depends on your goals. So I think that for my mom, stuff is completely diff. My mom's account right now is completely different than what the all star stuffs or my mom's goals for her account are completely different than what we were going to do for the clinic. I think for the clinic, we were really just trying to bring in more clients and bring in more awareness to the people surrounding the clinic and the teams within the clinic. And my mom's stuff now is more so really highlighting more about who she is as a person in, in, in her and her personality.

Harrison (00:47:26) - and highlighting, you know, the family and all of that kind of and all of those kinds of things. I think that they have two separate goals. And so I don't I think it would have been very, very difficult to. Achieve everything under under just my mom's account. Because I think that. I don't know. I mean, maybe I'm wrong, but I think that it could have. I think that the audience maybe would get confused about, you know, what are you trying to highlight? Are you trying to highlight, you know, your, your, you know, homeschooling your kids and, and, you know, doing all these other hobbies while also doing vet med or. Yeah, or you trying to bring in more clients and show the, the team that the teams at the clinic and, you know, their, their quirks and all this other stuff. I think it would have been I think it would have been a little confusing and a little it would have been, you know, some muddied waters by doing by doing, just my mom's back in the day.

Brandon (00:48:20) - Definitely. That makes sense. I do think that is a problem where people try to do too many things. And so usually you just pick a lane that works and then sprinkle in additional stuff. Is it good kind of strategy? Well, the next question that I want to ask you is around editing in particular, because I, I think one of the biggest differences in your production is edit like it's just it makes it stand out and it looks professional. so what are your thoughts on, I guess editing and AI tools especially? I think AI tools are coming out that are going to make editing more accessible. Do you think that people should try to do better edits, or should they just produce something in one cut? Make it simple. or should they kind of shoot for the I think that production, I mean, like, I'm sure it takes you hours to make a single short video, right? Like there's been times probably when you have edited things. That takes a long time. how much should people put into editing? And, Also, what are your thoughts on the AI editing tools?

Harrison (00:49:27) - How much do people put into editing? Honestly I wouldn't.

Harrison (00:49:34) - Again, I know I'm not like clearly answering this I guess, well off the bat, but I think it depends on what you're trying to do. I think it's like if you are trying to do more vlog style content, I think that I don't really know if that really requires a whole lot of editing. I think that really you just kind of go and, you know, cut it together, very simply and then kind of, you know, go from there. I think that that's one of the things that I recognized early on was like, this is how we can set ourselves apart, was like, I don't see anybody doing this where they are making this kind of content with the professional style of editing. Now, there have been more companies that have popped up, but I think that with the mixture of the content itself, with the editing and then the social media strategies, I don't see anybody doing that. Most of these social media companies that I see are using like cap cut or all these other, you know, kind of very, very I don't want to say they're not simple, but like you can tell like they're not like professionally done.

Harrison (00:50:32) - but I think in terms of. Should you focus on editing? I mean, I would say if you want to do it, go for it. You know, I mean, if you want to edit and really, you know, make that add that kind of quality to your videos, go for it. And I mean, you can start with iMovie, start with, I don't even know if windows movie makers if they get anymore.

Brandon (00:50:52) - Well, there's DaVinci resolve and stuff that's free or Filmora and stuff like that.

Harrison (00:50:56) - Yeah, DaVinci resolve is a great one to like, I, I, I mean, I personally use the Adobe Creative Suite, like Photoshop, After Effects, premiere, all of that and all of those tools. But, I mean, if you're just starting out, I would. Yeah. I mean, DaVinci is a great free one. but if you're if you want to understand just the basics, yeah. I mean, stuff like iMovie and all of those are, are great as well.

Harrison (00:51:18) - in terms of the AI tools, I actually use a few of them. and they are fantastic. I use them as tools, like they're not meant to be taking. I mean, they're not going to take over my job, but, like one of them, for example, we do a lot of podcasting at King Media. we do a lot of hosting, distribution, publishing, all of that. and we use an AI tool that will, cut up, the podcast automatically. So it's, it's absolutely amazing in terms of AI tools. So I'm really excited to see, what, what happens over the next few years and see, where what can make our processes more efficient. because there are a lot of things that I do that I am, I so, you know, some of it's so tedious, especially like, I mean, podcast editing is so tedious. Yeah. And it is it was amazing finding this tool, and and having it chop it up for me in terms of the editing, in terms of how long it takes me.

Harrison (00:52:16) - I don't know if you asked this question, but how long it takes me to, to edit certain things. I think we've gotten it down to where one short, say of 30, it depends on the time of the length of the video, but, you know, if it's a 32nd video, it'll take me about an hour. to, to, you know, really hammer it out and, you know, get all the graphics and all the captions or close captions and all that good stuff in it. because, you know, we have so many clients now that, we really did have to narrow down the processes of getting it down to around an hour. An hour and a half. We did actually just hire a video editor at the company, another video editor, which is going to be great to just, you know, hand off some of these videos and have him do his thing. but usually, yeah, it takes me around an hour to, an hour and a half to do those kinds of, those kinds of videos.

Brandon (00:53:06) - Definitely. That's, that makes that makes sense. Yeah. I use Opus Pro, for my podcast clips, and I don't do editing at all, so I just adjust the times, and that's good enough for me because I'm not editor. So it's pretty cool. Very cool. Well, tell me about, how people can work with you and what that looks like generally.

Harrison (00:53:29) - Yeah, sure. So, you can you can DM me on any social media platform. you can, you can reach out on our website. I, you know, we're always taking clients. We're always wanting to help. Whether you want social media help or, you know, video editing help or, you know, a consultation combination of all three, doesn't matter. but we do have retainer clients or. Sorry, not retainer clients. We have remote clients and local clients. So, Like I said, I mean, I would say right now we're diversifying our portfolio. So right now I would say our clientele is anywhere between 60% in the vet med industry and then 40% other clients.

Harrison (00:54:08) - So, you know, if you're in the vet med industry and want to, you know, work together, reach out. I mean, we we'd be happy to help. But also, if you're not in the industry, we would love to help you out as well. So, yeah, that's how you can now work with us.

Brandon (00:54:22) - Very cool. Yeah, we I mean, it's the Bedroom Marketing podcast, so we're pretty limited, but we do have quite, quite a few listeners. with, with that, what are you looking for when you're working with people? Like, they have to be willing to be on camera, right? Like that's a no brainer. But what else do you need from people that would be a good fit to work with you?

Harrison (00:54:44) - Yeah. Great question. somebody who sees the value in, social media platforms, somebody who is willing to grow their brand and, do what it takes. to do that. I, you know, I think it's important to show, regardless of if you're an influencer or just a company in general, that it's important to show, your personality.

Harrison (00:55:07) - and I think that if you're willing to do that, I love it. and so I think if you're willing to do, all of those things and, you know, you want to grow your brand, you want to grow your awareness and, and get leads and conversions from that, and you want to grow your following and become a personality that's, you know, that's what we're looking for.

Brandon (00:55:27) - Very cool. Okay, so last question to wrap up here. What's the least favorite thing that you see people doing from a business perspective on social channels right now?

Harrison (00:55:35) - Oh God, that's a great question. What is my least favorite thing that they'll do? You know what I'll tell you actually, I can't believe that people are still doing this because I've been saying this for years and I can't believe people still do this. it's that they say, hey, it's it's me. Like, let's get, you know, hey, my name is Harrison King. Like I'm a social media marketing influencer. Let's get into it.

Harrison (00:56:02) - It's like, no, it's like, do not do that. It's like nobody wants to know nobody. And this is going to sound super, super harsh. I don't mean to, but nobody cares about who you are in that moment. Okay? They're looking that the viewer of those kinds of videos are selfish. They're looking for what they can get out of those videos, whether it's entertainment, education, education, you know, inspiration, whatever. They're looking for something to gain from those videos. So if you can immediately start with a hook and reel them in and not talk about who you are or what you do. I. That's exactly what I recommend. and don't start your videos with these intros of like, hey guys, my name is Harrison King and I'm blah blah blah. It's like, please don't do that. Please.

Brandon (00:56:50) - Totally agree. I think if people want to see who you are, they'll click on your profile and like then do a deep dive through your content. You don't need to see that in.

Brandon (00:56:57) - And I was gonna ask you about that too. When it comes to your content types, you're not stopping everything and saying, hey, it's Doctor King from All Star Clinic. If you're in around we're open Monday.

Speaker 3 (00:57:06) - Through like so it's so.

Harrison (00:57:09) - It's just I can't I can't believe people are still doing it. Like I just can't believe it. Yeah.

Brandon (00:57:14) - But I think that's a good that's a good insight. And I noticed too, even when it's a good hook, I won't be patient enough. I'll just swipe through if they start talking or taking too long to get to the point. It's like, stop with the setup. You already hooked me. Like get to it already.

Speaker 3 (00:57:26) - Totally agree. Exactly.

Harrison (00:57:28) - Yeah, there's a whole I mean, you can find this stuff, I mean, all over the place, but like, there's a certain equation that you can follow to really dial down. Like how you, how your videos need to be formatted and you have two seconds to hook the viewer.

Harrison (00:57:41) - So yeah, if you can just get those two seconds down and then follow the rest of the equation, you're good to go. It's a recipe for success.

Brandon (00:57:47) - Very good. I agree with that for sure. It's good. Good reminder for sure. Well thank you so much Harrison. I really appreciate it. We'll put all of your links on the show notes, but it's, King Media marketing.com. I thank you so much for your time today. Appreciate it.

Harrison (00:58:02) - Yeah. Thank you so much. It was a pleasure talking to you.

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Brandon Breshears
Digital Marketer & Podcaster
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